lunch at botak jones today! rather yummy but oooo..fattening!!! shared fish and chips with my mum..we were lucky they gave us two big pieces of fish... hehe.. i think they mistook my order for a large!! anyway there were many pple eating there.. quite a big portion, lotsa fries for 6 bucks! yummy!

i saw a lot of people eating this!!!!!! looks damn good right. its called a chilli dog or sth like that.. but it's super big.. i doubt a normal person can finish it.. i think it costs 10 bucks!

my brother ate this.. some turkey sausage.. he thinks it's yummy but i think not.. never liked hot dogs cos i think they are too salty.. i shall jus stick with fish and chips!
lucky i got my lazy ass out of the hse to the gym:) as my dad says.. if u dun get up and go running or sth you will soon feel too lazy to do anything else and soon you'll pant as u walk! ahhh.. i hope that doesnt happen to me.. if i burn few hundred calories a day i wun get fat right!!!??? good food + good exercise = happy me!