hello!! can anyone see who's that guy in the picture?? apparently he's some superhost guy and some of the girls are rather crazy about him. muahahah. so when they wanted to take photo i jus popped my head in and ended up standing beside him!! yes.. the photo is rather blur cos we used a handphone.. haha but still.. he's quite good looking:)
so whats up with black tshirts and jeans?? we are at IMPRESSARIO finals. it's supposed to be well known in sch but publicity wasnt that good or rather, pple are ignorant so i shall tell you here what impressario is! (right now i'm chewing on a taiwan sausage.. yummy!)
it's jus a talentime competition where pple from universities and all walks of life come compete in a few categories including singing and dancing. so it's jus really nice to meet all these contestants with all kinds of personalities.. the original songwritiers to the experienced singer to the romantic lovesongs.. to the slutty hiphops (hah!)
and there's guest starring angela zhang. she seemed so unhappy and attitude. like black face throughout and she's fussy.. but oh well.. why did they invite her in the first place??
made quite a few frens and the pple i'm with are friendly and nice and some of them are year 3s! so cool.. i have year 3 friends:) hope we really do keep in contact:)
yes.. after a tiring saturday i finally reached home at ard 12 midnight. all the way from 8 in the morning. my contact lens almost fell out man.. and guess wad i was stuck backstage again! and i didnt see the performance!!!
anyway i'm so tired.. woke up at 9 today and realised i still have a lot of things to do and i need to buy a white long sleeve anddd bday presents.. hmm...