samedi, février 17, 2007

IT's CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE!! Time for reunion dinner once again. and once again it's jus the 4 family members in my family reunioning. :) it's time to jus relax and cast schoolwork aside.
this year was a little diff.. we went to royal plaza hotel for buffet. i bet no one knows where's royal plaza right! in fact it's jus oppp hyatt hotel. do pop in one day to check out the great deco! and GREAT FOOD!
anyway the restaurant is newly renovated and the name of the restaurant is THE CAROUSEL. the deco's preetty damn nice. the seats are colourful stripes, revolving around the theme carousel. but there were other classy seats too and i was a little disappointed that i didnt get to sit on a colourful seat.
and there's my family! my bro jus came back from field camp, which explains why he's bald and black hahahaha
and we finally stepped into the restaurant. i was amazed! they had this small glass displays as we walk in showcasing girly and pretty make up!! well.. nothing to do with the buffet but it makes you feel like a princess! and the service is extremely good cos the waiters will keep folding and putting the napkins for you and pulling and pushing in your chairs all the time throughout the whole meal. i was quite embarrassed cos as usual i'm greedy and i keep getting up to take this and that and the waitresses have to keep pulling and pushing my chair.the cutlery was unique too and i actually used the wrong fork. how dumb of me. my bro used the wrong fork too.. muahaha.. and again they keep changing all cutlery as they change the plates..
and here's my bro and I gorging ourselves with food. he's like a horse la.. eating almost 90% of all the stuff ard.. and after that he was too full to talk.i guess the food here is like 100x better than in army.. hahaha. poor army dudes. he must have suffered sleeping in a small trench.
there's this cool rotating thing! with chicken and leed pies. my.. these chicken pies are realy deliciousss.. it's hot and crispy and soft and the chicken melts in your mouth!
check out the seafood section. when i saw the oysters mussels lobsters crayfish clams scallops i was like screaming inside me.. all my faveee food la!!!
the picture doesnt do the food justice cos i only took a photo of it at the end when the oysters are half gone and messy on the ice.
and there's the jap section.. didnt eat all the sushi rice thingy. i only ate sashimi which is tasty and fresh:) yay!
and there's the roast section.. beef, lamb and roast chicken. i only ate a bit of beef cos all these meat will make me too full for dessert. there's something wrong with my bro and I, even though we knew we'd be freaking full after eating carbo stuff like potatoes and pasta we jus had to eat them! the potatoes are wonderful! some of the best potatoes i've eaten. i really like potatoes.. pasta is good too cos it's cooked on the spot. but i was irritated with the chef cos i said creamy and he gave me tomatoey.. eeks..
dessert oh dessert.. one of the best varieties there. hell lot. all kinds of cakes and fruits and new year goodies and not forgetting....
CHOCOLATE FONDUE!! there are like kids constantly running towards the chocolate fountain, excited and all..
it's one of my favessss too:)
the paintings on exhibition there...

i love the bright orange flowers! heee... happy chinese new year to all!!
mercredi, février 07, 2007

Primary school gathering!! haha. amazing yea?! like after 8 yrs of not seeing/talking to each other.. we met again! everyone looks similar though.. :) its jus really nice to see everyone again.. haha. cant describe that feeling..

the girls! how come i'm the tallest cum fattest now..!!??
jeudi, février 01, 2007

BROWNIE BATTER!You scored 85% SWEET, 51% CHUNKY, and 62% UNIQUE!
brownie batter ice cream with a rich brownie batter are a very sweet mix indeed! You are warm, loving, and caring to all those around you, but you're not boring in the least! You have a wild streak and a creative, unique streak, too. You are a great friend, an interesting person, and you know how to have fun without ending up crouching over a toilet bowl. Nice!
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 79% on SWEET
You scored higher than 2% on CHUNKY
You scored higher than 21% on UNIQUE
The Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor Test