mercredi, janvier 24, 2007
my cough is recovering i think.. went to see the doctor and it bloody costs 40 bucks.. hai.. how i vow not to be sick again! the doctor said i had a mild case of bronchitis which i dunno whether is serious or not.. but luckily he said i wud be fine after finishing up the medicine. urgh.. my body cycle's been screwed up.. sleeping at least 12 hours a day? think cos of the medicine which makes me drowsy during lessons..
i hope i get better like by the weekend.. how i miss all the good food! and tepanyaki which i was supposed to have last weekend and i ended up eating porridge at crystal jade.
jus finished watching the superstar show.. i think they're quite fake.. like seriously. i dun even know why i watch it.. perhaps cos there's no other show to watch?? wad happened to all the nice shows like america's next top model, proj runway??
lessons again at 830 tmr.. i really hope i can crawl out of bed..hmmm.. and then it'll be salsa lessons after school! yay!
lundi, janvier 22, 2007
vendredi, janvier 19, 2007
sighhh i think i'm getting flu:( and i've been coughing away. *gags* and i'm feeling so sleepy and tired the whole day though i really slpt a lot.
and i cant concentrate on my tutorials.. i know i'll be losing sleep once the projs come in. got 10 at least:( big and small projs and presentations. sigghhhh
i've been thinking about a lot of things i wanna do and i know i actually wun get down to doing it.. i'm such a lazy ass..:(
yesterday i heard a grp of guys behind me talking abt first class honours.. everyone's like kinda aiming for that.. i know..
it makes me think.. we come from so many diff schs with all kinds of results and we end up studying in the same uni and getting the same degree and getting the same kind of job... where has the effort that i have put in trying to score As gone to?? down the drain?? it's so tiring to put in effort all the way from scratch again cos the uni degree is wad counts right??
and everyone takes electives cos its easy to score not cos they like it.. sighh
my teacher says if we work in big four next time we will hafta work 16 hrs a day including sat and sun.. will i end up like that??:(:( and i guess that's precisely why she quit and took up a teaching job instead...
mardi, janvier 16, 2007
ahhhh sore throat sore throat. *cough cough*:(:(:(
dimanche, janvier 14, 2007
it's back to sch tmr at 830.. after a long 5 day break. oh how i dread morning lessons and it's stats lecture to make it worse.
i played squash in the morning today.. or rather attempted to play. realised how unfit i was and it's now time to start running around NTU since sch has started!! and i think my feet feels better now.. at least it didnt hurt when i played squash. maybe it recovered!!:):) dear friends.. please date me for a run or sth..
watched 'one last dance' today.. went in without knowing wad the plot was abt and my mum told me it was a gay brokeback show. GOT MEH?? how come i cant seem to understand anything?!? and like when the show ended.. everything seemed really confusing. the only thing i know is that every few seconds someone's name will be written and he will get killed. somewhat like deathnote huh.. then again.. i'm still confused by the flashing images and why the lead keep saying it's his song and not his story.
ahhh i'm jus sooo not artistic..
someone's screaming outside.. dunno wad's his problem.
ok i'm going to watch apprentice.. that's how slack my life is now:)
samedi, janvier 13, 2007

and my brother is in pulau tekong now!! hope he's fine there.. i'll see him in 2 weeks time!!
dimanche, janvier 07, 2007

orchard road day.. its saturday and orchard road is not crowded. why!?! we went to find alps who's working at centre point haha. should have snapped her shocked face when she saw us.. but sadly.. didnt get to talk to her cos her boss was there!
anyway the ice cream that andy bought was a horrible combination of cookies and chocolate and chocolate chip.. those kind that eat alr will get diabetes kind.. yucks.
and we went to our fave place... fish and co at the glasshouse. yay! my boring wait cos the food took sooooo lonng to come. and halfway there was a freaking blackout. we had to sit in darkness and the waitress told us our food wud be delayed. urgh!!! you know wad... the service at glasshouse is so freeaking slow and bad... esp during jts and stj last time..
and finally our seafood platter came after a long wait.. and finally the lights resumed if not it wud have spoilt my entire mood..but thennnn our jungle freeze didnt come despite three friendly reminders..HUMPH!! and when it finally came when our food was 3/4 gone... it came in this ugly cup..
eeeeee!!! i wanna drink in the nice giant glass not in this kopitiam plastic cup. and the reason was they had not enough time to wash and giv us in the glass... tsk!that aside.. we went to watch blood diamond after our meal. it was damn good but the way that arms get chopped off is certainly disgusting..there's leonardo inside:) i love all his shows..everyone go watch k... and close ur eyes at the killing scenes.. it'll make u hate diamonds though.
went home rather late and got scolded:(:( but oh wells.. din expect the movie to end so late!
school starts tmr!! AHHHH!!
vendredi, janvier 05, 2007

i'm back to sentosa again!! in less than a weeks time.. all cos ang ying ying and ang libin wants to sun tan.. while i, on the other hand.. prefer to be wrapped up rather than turn black. bud we didnt really tan in the end. lol.. jus chilled out near the bikini bar playing cards!! and there were like few groups of people playing amazing race who kept disturbing us to take photo with them cos there were no other girls ard.. so.. we stopped playing cards and quickly ran away to palawan beach instead! hehe. we look like freaking tourists!!

there's like a freaking dog up there..!!!

coconut trees!!! hehehe

errrmmm.. hmm.. need i say more?:)
mercredi, janvier 03, 2007

food at billy bombers! pork ribs, steak and fish.. plus rootbeer float! met yings bright and early and we had a feast!

photos at billy bombers!

went to look for alps at centrepoint where she's working.. i took this when they were coming out of the toilet. lol:)

and our dose of haagen daz:)
mardi, janvier 02, 2007
class gathering at yc's house yesterday:) it's a miracle how a lot of us still turn up for class gatherings.. even those who came back from overseas:) had a fun time yesterday playing bridge and watching tv and of course yongkai's food!
hope we can meet up again during the chinese new year.. and hope our class will stay close even if we graduate and start working!:)
lundi, janvier 01, 2007

yess.. its a day out at sentosa on new years' eve!! not a very wise choice cos its gonna be super crowded, even the bus queue was so long! but since its bright and sunny, we jus had to go.. or rather only I WANTED TO GO haha:) our first stop: Palawan beach! it was rather empty though

Andy's MY TALENT IS SWELLING shirt. lol. i think this shirt is nice!

lazing abt on the beach cos i didnt want to get wet! but i got sandy and dirty and my white pants turned yelllow!! :(

the good and the bad! he looks fierce!.. in the end i still got a little wet.. while we were playing with the water, i saw a freaking big black dog swim across from the other side of the beach! OMG!! my fear for dogs!!
that aside.. we were super hungry after we left the beach.. so we headed to eat new zealand's natural:)
i dunno wads this.. some colourful tiles thing with water running across?? hmm...
and to our utter disappointment.. the musical fountain show was FULL HOUSE like one hour before!! so people are jus sitting there waiting for the show to start one hr later!! URGH.. cant watch it:(:(:(
we decided to leave sentosa and head for vivo..
on the bus..
HOKKIEN MEE at food republic! yummy!
the swedish ship gothborg near vivo! all the swedish people partying and having fun on the ship! cool stuff!and the big towering christmas trees as well as fountains!
proceeded to eat seoul's dong dae mun famous dish. lol.. a hotdog bread coated with fries:)
and our fruitful and happy day ended with this.. didnt stay for the countdown though.. i counted down at home! hehe. anyway happy new year everyone! may 2007 be a better year:)