yesterday was such a cool day. went to kbox with yings and qiuting for the second time in my life. luckily i still know some chinese songs but i either only know the tune or the chorus. and anyway the food there sucks but i still ate cos i was too hungry and my wisdom tooth hole has kinda healed. FINALLY took out the stitches so its not that painful now.
and the doctor said my skin will turn YELLOW when the blood starts to unclot. yuck!!!!
walked ard far east after that and met quite some long lost rg pple and shing and hc pple. ahh.. everyone looks so different now. then i had to walk all the way from far east to THE CATHAY to get tics for pirates for sat. but wth. the timings available sucked. i thought i was like damn early but apparently the latest timing i could get was 455pm. some more its not at grand cathay.
last wed was outing all the way at harbourfront cos yings and I wanted to eat dim sum buffet. i think we cleared the whole list and omg i almost puked blood while trying to finish up the food. walked ard at ICON but it wasnt that exciting after all. the stalls are so small and most are closed. ohh i'm in love with polka dot dresses hahaha but i dun own one yet:(:(
argh finally went to the gym today cos i was too free and realised i could no longer run as much. haven been exercising for a few weeks cos of my wisdom tooth and NOW!! this is wad happens. panting after few metres of jog. my dad was mean. kept laughing at how unfit i was.. yea.. but compared to him i'm damn unfit.
i'm gonna be really busy this sat. driving test during the late morning and driving lesson before that. after that i have to get my dad to speed me down to esplanade for ntu pre camp thing and i'll have to make some excuse to leave early cos pirates starts at a gross time of 455. sat please dun come so fastttttt
and starting next week i'll be offff for business camp and immediately after that sports camp(if i get in that is) bloody sports camp is 7 freaking days..then hall camp.. and there goes my july. i guess i'll be a dead pig...