mercredi, mai 17, 2006
arghhhhhh caught the flu bug.. dying during work:(:( sleep at 10 and i still feel tired!!! and cant eat all the icecream chocolatessss and sweets:(
vendredi, mai 12, 2006
went shopping with mummy today and its a delighting affair:)
cos mummy never fails to spend MONEY on me!
and she revealed she alr bought my bday present:):):) which she wun be showing me till then cos she's secretive.. AHH. the suspense is killing me!
i love my mum! happy mother's day to her!
How You Are In Love |
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
Your Candy Heart Says "My Way" |
You love to be in love, as long as it means being showered with attention.And no need for you to give anything in return - being with you is gift enough. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a first class trip to Hawaii Your flirting style: witty and showy What turns you off: having to "chase" someone Why you're hot: you're more confident (and arrogant) than a rock star! |
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?
mardi, mai 09, 2006

this is a damn cute picture of my bro i found.. damn cute horrrrrrr
but now.....
hehe.. my brother finds me quite dumbbbbb
2 more days to another long weekend:):)
mercredi, mai 03, 2006
its damn hard to search for a pair of nice comfy working heels:(
i've gone to URS charles and keith VnC isetan novo pazzion pretty fit BATA and all those
small nameless shoe shops
buddd i ended up with no shoes:(
and i only like those in NINE WEST!! but they are 150$$$ at least!!
yay!!!!! ben and jerrys isssss waaaiting for meeeeee
mardi, mai 02, 2006
hate it! its back to work when i was so enjoying my 3 days break:(:(:(
yings!!! when are we meeting!! this week or next week.. i think this week i cannot but we're meeting on sunday right?? anyway the hotel job sucks.. cos i looked thru the invoices and they dun match the payments cos the charges for rooms are so screwed up!!
and i didnt feel like eating the food they provide so i ended up walking ard at raffles city and i didnt dare go into those high class shops and wasted 5 dollars on a burger...
anyway.. shud be going ntu la i guess.. budden i dunno why everyone tell me not to go nus..