vendredi, avril 28, 2006
yay.. i got letters from both nus and ntu alr.. both accountancy..
and yes.. nus is opening up accountancy this year.
i thought i have decided on ntu but nus looks so enticing..and its damn near my hse...
so i dunnooooooo.. i still have one mth to think:(
went out with yuanie (yuan yin) yesterday. she's so cute although she's thin as a stick now..
shared a lot of our jc life happenings cos we haven met for two years:(
i remember in sec 4 we promised to meet once every month and look wad happened!! no meetings for two long years..
and we both hated the way our jc life went.. so many regrets..
anyway we bought lots of bread from swiss bake and crystal jade even though she claims shes broke.. haha
hope she gets her scholarship to go overseas:):):)
mercredi, avril 19, 2006
i decided to find out when i was going to die...
Friday, August 27, 2066
that is when.. how morbid..
here to find out yours!
jeudi, avril 13, 2006

reached the airport bright and early after a 6 hr flight... only to realise my tour group has a lot of old pple.. but got young couples here and there and 2 girls ard my age...
our first stop was at Everland, Korea's disneyland... omg.. didnt expect spring to be so cold:(
Everland is so magical.. its like every children's dreamland.. so we saw a lot of korean kids!!! damn young and cute!!!!
this is the tulip garden.. chio like hell.. and there's a pretty bride lying among the tulips.. nice!!
some cartoon characters made of tulips..
and there was a carnival going on especially for the spring season! this is some brazilian dance i think..
i jus love all the decorations:) then we proceeded to mount SORAK! there are a lot of temples there.. because most koreans are buddhist..
drinking the tasty spring water.. it has some sweet taste.
it was really cold like shit.. had to wear a winter hat.
eating ice cream in cold weather..GREAT! their ice cream is really tasty especially strawberry icecream.. very sweet and milky
and guess wad they sell on the road side.. BUGS!!! yuck.. smells like vomit... like fear factor.
we travelled damn far to look at this three peaks... apparently the middle guy is this honourable man who died and the peaks by the side his mistresses..
and their fruits look damn good.. especially the strawberries!!
cherry blossoms in full bloom!!!!! the whole streets are lined with this flowers..

travelled all the way to DAEGU spa valley for a refreshing spa. saw all the naked korean women.. walking ard like nobody's business.. and we are naked ourselves too. lol...
strong waves rushing up the rocks..
oh this place is part of LOTTE hotel. look at the windmills!
the filming site of "all in". the bench says "all in". lol..

this flower is called you cai hwa..
we climbed all the way up.. more than half of the pple gave up halfway.. but the scenery was breathtaking!
love the grass.. feels like new zealand. i stupidly lied down laaaa and my clothes became a little muddy:(

the traditional folk village.. the walls were made of cow dung!! to scare away bugs.
cow dung walls..
spot my head!
another flim site of da chang jing.. everyone seems to be crazy abt korean dramas..we took an internal flight to cheju island.. also known as honey moon island and all the couples were damn happy :)
the ATV motor car ride. cool!! only the young pple tried.. cos it was quite dangerous..

mud splattering all over. obstacles everywhere and it was DAMN hard to steer. many drove into trees.. comical..
nice greeny pastures..
this is the sunrise peak
LOTTE world adventure park.. an indoor theme park.. like magicland again..
this is the film site of "stairway to heaven".. remember the carousel..feel damn childish la..
next day was kimchi making.. quite grossed out after eating so many days of kimchi.. seriously all the food has kimchi taste..
korean costume.. love the pink one!! hehehe.

the blue house.. apparently we cannot cross the white line if not all the guards will come..
"nami island".. winter sonata place.. the tour guide make all the couples hold hands and walk down the row of trees..
imperial palace of olden times..
cherry blossoms again.. but this time in seoul..
this is something like wad we eat everyday. every dish is some preserved kimchi like thingy..
tour guides.. guess which is the korean one!
this is the photographer. bought 150 dollars worth of photos from him. one photo 8 bucks.. damn act cute.. dunno why he dun wanna lie on me.. haha!
finally back in singapore! yay!
jeudi, avril 06, 2006
oh i'll be on the plane in 12 hours time!! exciting!!
went town on tuesday evening especially to meet yings for dinner at crystal jade..
dinner was good.. food the usual.. good company..
somehow with her i can eat ALOT. more at ease i guess.. better than eating with wafer thin people with puny stomachs:(:( which is really horrid cos they'll point at your food and say "oh thats fatty" or "eew look at the lump of fats"
my ex-colleagues always do that to me.. then i always see them snacking on chocolates.. and i DUN snack during office hours unless someone gives me food.
with yings.. its different. we eat anything and everything hahaha.. right????
alright.. so i'll see everyone in 8 days time!! gonna catch a wink now!
samedi, avril 01, 2006
its been raining real heavy these days. cant swim:(:( i hate it when kids come over to learn swimming....
cant wait to find a new job.. i'm dying mum kinda hates it when i jus sit in front of the tv and i was MADE to pack my room today. discovered manyyyyy underlying secrets to my horror..
oh daddy promised to bring me to eat some nice thing at macpherson.. but i dunno wad!!
hate the weather:( i'm bored and poor..