vendredi, mars 31, 2006
yay! i shall blog about last saturday.. since i found some photos!
for the very very first time in a very very long time.. we met up for lunch..
but we couldnt decide where to eat:(
so we ended up at... AJISEN.
haha.. mon's and alps greedy face as usual..
and yings and my not-so-greedy face.. but actually both of us are the pigs..
so after our full beyond full meal.. we decided to head off for a movieeeee. but there were NO tickets for our desired movie.
lucky we din succumb to yings SHAGGY DOG. wth of a show is it! i dun understand why tickets get sold out so fast even though its $9.50. bleeeeaaaahhh.. so we watched NO movie:(:(
and so.. we ended up at far east. a place i haven gone for a very long time. i remember my rgs days.. always eat and shop there every saturday... ps: alps is wearing a shirt that is unlike her!!!! (eh dun kill me.. jus kidding:)
mercredi, mars 29, 2006
here's replies to all of you!!
lings: oh i'm going with my mum. i went to the natas fair too but i din book thereeee!! cos my mum couldnt decide which one to book with. so we crazily din get any giftssss:(:(:(
everyone keep saying korea nice but my mum keep complaining that its not worth it. anyway cant go thailand now cos of thaksin riots.....
alps: haha! i'll sure finish up all the food before it reaches singapore. i will try very very hard to bring some nice food for you!! and nice souvenirs too.. dun worry abt getting fat.. u wudnt if u keep working and not slack at home like me.. and its been raining.. cant go swimming:(
yings: u check everyday meh.. i also check yours almost evveryday but still at the same entry. u also going CHINA and hongkong wad... i may be going hk next after korea!! die la spend all my money.. none left for uni:( haha wun let anyone kope it! my brother wants to pay me 100 bucks to lend it to him during korea trip. muahahaha...
lundi, mars 27, 2006
This was a stupid picture i found...

alright!! where shall i start. last friday was the last day of my work!! i feel quite bad to leave actually cos everyone keep asking me to extend my contract. but i'm mighty sure i dun wanna work there any longer. i need to find something else more exciting. but i was nice and didnt leave them with nothing.. bought lotsa chocolates and waffles for them!! and i was treated to indonesian food in return. anyone wanna go eat with me again?? anyway.. that's the scenery from the 5th floor of my office building. can see the whole of the city area!! and there's a nice indoor swimming pool with hot water!!!!!!!
and this girl is a temp like me at work. unfortunately for her, she still has one more month to go and she has to do my work too.. but basically we're still very free pple... bleah.. our tiredddd and oily faces after work..
this was taken at UOB.. u know.. the bird statue place... and its also the first and last time i wore pants at work..i bet our economics has improved by leaps and bounds because we read
......... THE ECONOMIST!! all the time in the office.. the whole issue on the communist rule of CHina and its apartheid system... and how its gonna get rich?
and i need to announce that i bought the SONY walkman NW1000!!! it's freakin pink.. as everyone knows.. i love pink nowadays.. love the screen tooooo!!
I'm going korea next week!!!!!! damn fast right.. i jus booked yesterday!! all the pretty tulips and cherry blossoms and kawaii koreans await me!! yay! i love korean food! dun understand why many pple find kimchi gross..dun worry my friends.. i shall buy sovenirs for all of you! if i have enough money that is..
samedi, mars 11, 2006

decided to get this from yings blog cos she hasnt sent me any photos:(:( and my blog looks bare without any photos or updates:(
last weeks been pretty busy. visited some open houses yesterday and i still haven made up my mind which university to go to. i hateeee regretting..
going smu later to check out their new campus!
had driving this morning.. i really hate waking up early to drive.. i'll be driving half asleep. my uncle was not too fierce today.. maybe cos i didnt do anything too wrong haha..
did many million turns.. drove the same old routes again.. i HATE driving upslope.. the thought that the car will roll down when u try to accelerate is scary especially if u're driving with the pro drivers... did like 10 parallel parkings too.. oh man.. when am i getting my license!!
vendredi, mars 03, 2006
results are out!! and its now time to decide wad i'm going to do in my near future. seriously i haven given it any serious thought.. daddy said i shud head towards the path where my passion lies. i told him i wanted the career that can give me the brightest future.. weird right. do i want to be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, accountant, architect or economist?????