samedi, janvier 28, 2006

that was wad i ate for reunion dinner. buffet dinner at the nus guild house in suntec!!!
super good food.. but no yusheng this year:(
mummy and leonard
daddy and me!
nice red couches.
haha i love this lion cos it's white!! hate the red one next to it.anyway we went to walk ard at the place near esplanade and it was totally disappointing..
urgh... it's chu yi and i'm at home, bored to bits and as free as a bird.. cant wait for class gathering! can see all my classmates again! hahah..
jeudi, janvier 26, 2006
its a happy day!! i'm lucky! i think its coz of the new year! my job's ending today.LAST DAY!! i hope today speeds past like light. and guess wad! i've got a new job even before i end the last one! and it's in a nice new building in raffles place. the building is called one george street! AHA. i'm going to be a temp accounts staff. but i have zero accounts knowledge:( i hope they teach me new things....
and i've finally booked my driving practical. its gonna be somewhere in july. that's damn late:( if i fail i'll prob have to take next year or something... really unfair cos they block out all the dates for the school candidates..humph
mummy made pineapple tarts yesterday and she only made enough to last for a few days. haha i better start eating before my brother snatches them away
i need a makeover.. i look like shit these days..
happy chinese new year everyone!!
mardi, janvier 24, 2006
i'm irritated! my toe is wrapped up in a plaster and now my finger is too:(:(
Saturday.. please come faster.. i dun wanna work! i wanna play!
lundi, janvier 16, 2006
yesterday was my off day!! tmr's gonna be my off day too. but not today, have to work later and tuition silly kids who dun understand wad i'm teaching.
went chinatown yesterday to eat and shop but there was nothing much to buy except food. i really hate the stupid old chee ko peks there. oh well.. chinatown.. not a good place to go to cos there're only lao ah peks there..
no new clothes for me this year.. no new year goodies:(:( cos i prolly cant go bai nian anyway.
mercredi, janvier 11, 2006
i'm so tired after everything that has happened. finally can get a good sleep but it's back to work again tmr. my 5 days of leave sucked from me jus like that. work sucks.. i think the problem lies with me. i wanna find a job that teaches me something, i actually dun mind if the pay is slightly lower... i wanna be a waitress or something or work in a hotel.. haha
watching simple life now.. i wish i could be paris hilton for one day...
mercredi, janvier 04, 2006
went johor today with the purpose of shopping and buying new things. went to the new shopping centre that just opened today and there were lots and lots of pple. nice shops like mng and guess haven opened yet!! so there was nothing much to buy since the rest of the shops were malaysian brands like voir and padini:( but there were lots of food and restaurants.. and the restaurants have funny names like "the egg house""house of chicken rice""fish market" almost every name has the word house..but they're all very uniquely designed according to the theme.
However, we stupidly ate at food court cos we didnt know there were other food. and the food court food sucks:(:(:(
later in the day, i passed by dunkin' donuts! and this man suddenly came out from the shop carrying one tray of donuts and shouted FREE DONUTS!!! but no one bothered abt him!! where got shop give free donuts oneeeee!! wads more it's dunkin' donuts!! anyway after a few minutes everyone knew it was for real so they swarmed him and snatched all his donuts away. and more pple swarmed the shop. soon the shop was donutless. and everyone was holding like 3 or 4 donuts in their hands. quite gross la come to think of it...
lundi, janvier 02, 2006
yesterday was class gathering at yichuan's house! and almost everyone came. it was great seeing everyone after sosososo long. been busy with my work so i didnt even go for class chalet or join them for countdown at esplanade. that's yings and me wearing the same class t, carrying almost the same bag and yada yada. looked quite the same that day..
i ate lots and lots of food. like... chicken rice, fried rice, jelly, jelly beans which gordon brought from hongkong, and pizza!! and lots and lots of chips! although we didnt do really much except play a few card games, it was nice to just sit ard and get to know how everyone's lives been.. all the girls wanna get some admin job and the guys will be going to army soon!
anyway yichuan's dad taught me something called a POWER walk to solve my problems. and he made me walk many times powerfully up and down his dining area in front of some pple and they kept laughing at meeeee!! next he made me take my problem out and step into it, somehow i didnt manage to solve my problem entirely according to him, but i think it's quite useful if u do it properly. anyone who has problems shud do it!!

thats mon and bin. they're so cute i just had to snap a picture of them.. urgh.. bin's off days are on weekends and i'll be working on weekends so we cant meet!! yucks. anyway i'll be shopping with yings tmr. it's my off day again.. icant wait for today to be over. gonna get ready for work soon...
my class picture didnt turn out good. anyone who has pls send me!!