mercredi, décembre 28, 2005

i know this is a really blur picture but it's the only picture i have with Shiying. She's my daaarrling haha. my good fren for many years since primary school. back then in primary sch we were waiting for our mothers to bring our art folios to sch for us.. cos it's sort of a crime not to bring your art folio.. haha. and so we were both waiting and i think she tried to talk to me but according to her, i was damn dao ( i dun remember that anyway) luckily we went into the same class after primary 1 and 2.
then in secondary sch, we were lucky to be in the same class yet again!! but it was only for 2 years... then we went on to different jcs.. thanks to my choice. haha but i'm so glad we have kept in contact. i think i shall walk over to her house one day to surprise her!!
so that picture was on christmas eve.. after my work and everything.. we happily went to orchard road. and reached there abt 8pm, hungry and without dinner. everywhere was so crowded we had nothing to eat. in the end we ended up eating pasta at some place in taka. and the pasta was great and filling!
then we began to shop around but the shops were closing fast and by 10pm we had nothing much to do. little did we know that it was super crowded on the streets of orchard road and pple spraying disgusting foam everywhere blindly.
we couldnt walk anywhere so we stood near the escalator and laughed at pple getting sprayed. it got a little boring so we went down to squeeze with the pple. and oh gosh it was gross! i could smell the sweat and the foam and i was pushed and plastered on sweaty men's bodies. and the bangla workers were really scary we just had to avoid them! but there were so many!
then we saw indochine and decided to go in for a drink. and yay! someone ordered icecream but disappeared so the bartender said it was on the house but still no one wanted so me and shiying took the cup of chocolate ice cream. it still tasted nice although it's all melted haha.
after that, nearing 12, we stupidly thought there wud be some sort of countdown.. as in someone wud start shouting 10 then we can all countdown together. so we went out into the crowded streets again. and this time the crowd was so fierce. we were stepped on by stupid heavy pple and my sandals were bare toed! Shiying was worse, she was wearing high heels. so our shoes were totally destroyed. in the end we were pushed into some sort of bushes and soil in front of taka. and we were stepping on soft soil!!! yucks!!! and the pple still continued to push.. and climb up to the platform. we just stood there waiting for some sort of rescue cos obviously we couldnt climb.. then after many many minutes we finally waded thru the soil and managed to step on ground.
so there was no countdown! the whole pandemonium lasted way past 12 and we didnt even get to say merry christmas. terribleterrible... i'm gonna stay at home on new years eve.. haha..
vendredi, décembre 16, 2005
our malaysia trip started with us meeting at golden mile at 9 at night. we took a bus all the way to genting and reached at ard 6.
really really early. at that time there was nothing to eat so we ate at mcdonalds.
mcdonalds wasnt nice at all. the coffee tasted weird.. as if the creamer had expired.
anyway, we had to wait very very long to check in to the hotel. so in the mean time, we went to explore ard. it was rather cold and i only had a thin jacket and a shawl with me (which wasnt much of a use) and i stupidly didnt bring shoes so i had to walk ard in heels.
This was the nice view from high up. so we jus enjoyed ourselves taking photographs of the sky and the pretty flowers.
the girls. (me, bins, yings, grace, lings) we look really black except grace.
had to take with the pretty flowers but too bad they were blocked by us. but the pink flowers were beautiful. there were flowers of many different colours!
haha! ck, the only guy on the trip.
me, mon and yings waiting for the rest, who went to sit the flying coaster. it looks really scary la. i think i wud have died if i sat it.
the four crazy pple, zooming down at top speed, twisting and turning like mad.
yay!! elephant rides. i love them especially when i was a young girl. i like the white elephants!! but i couldnt catch a picture of the white elephant! we were queueing up with the small little kids awaiting our turn and luckily we could squeeze into the elephants!
mon and bins riding on a white elephant. i forgot which colour i sat on:(
me and yings. WAHAHA!
in the hotel room on our bed. we woke up really early then we went shopping. we ate famous amos brownies for breakfast. really cheap and nice! i wish i could have more..
waiting for the bus to go down to KL...
poor CK waiting to do all the necessary arrangements while all the girls happily take photos..

finally arrived at KL and checked into our hotel!! went chinatown before that and it was really scary and yucky. the men are really gross, kept calling and flirting with girls.then we had dinner!! at some roadside stalls. the food was good and cheap. we only paid about 15RM per person and ate a hell lot. look at the BIG stingray!!
walked over to sungei wang to shop! and we met this indian guy selling christmas hats! so the four of us bought from him! haha. but after a while it's really embarrassing walking ard with it, so we jus kept them in our bags andd never wear them again.
the view from the hotel. it was really a congested and crowded place.
buffet breakfast the next morning at ancasa hotel!! we ate a lot!
libin's cousin! she's so nice and friendly. she brought us to all the shopping centres. i think we wud jus not know how to go anywhere without her. shopped ard the whole day in KL. went to time square and one utama. there was mango sale! we chionged there and stayed there for a long time.
we ate A&W for dinner. my favourite fast food when i was young. but all the A&Ws were closed down in Singapore. yum yum.. curly fries and rootbeer float. later we went back to the hotel and ate cakes there cos the cakes were going for half price.
then it was time to go home... now i'm back..
vendredi, décembre 09, 2005

lings and me

class picture!!

yings.. love her dress man

ang libin. looking red!!
hwee.. love her nice flowers!
sinting!! ever so cute!!
huiru.. her dress is hot!
huiming!! looking hot too!!
grace.. damn pretty
charm.. so funky!!
omg!! yongkai's hair looks cool!
funky qufu and his zara jacket. it's nice and furry haha.
gordon. (he tiptoed) hehe.
wuqiong. the poser.
weihao. businessman like!
macho junkai
crazy mingze. see the mirror?
cute oliver haah..
jeremy the softballer!
superlide!!!! he's superb!
my good buddy.. kel
lingwei! my long lost science pract partner!
mon rocks
becca! check out her butterfly
yichuan. looking good...
xiuzhen. acting cute
wallace! a crazy tahanner
weisong. the one with the attitude.
my long lost pri sch mates
yen shong looking tall
marcus. check out his hair!
lalalalala i simply love lala
clubbing at indochine. looking siannnnnnn