samedi, octobre 29, 2005
i had a quite an interesting dream last night. i think i'm getting cranky cos i'm mixing up my hc friends with my rg friends. i dreamt that sukuen drew nine little indians for me on this cardboard for i dunno wad reason and that i got scolded by libin cos i ate her prawn noodles. and all these happened in the rg canteen with all my 4/7 classmates sitting ard. weird weird.
today was rather productive.. cos i tagged along with my brother to study at nus. he had to go there cos he happily borrowed a book and didnt return for 10 days. and OMG the librian told him he had to pay 10 dollars cos one day one dollar. OMG LA the libriary's trying to con him of money or wad.....
then like 3 hours later.. it was dinner time and i had nice dinner at the nus guild house. i'm dying of fullness now=(
mardi, octobre 25, 2005
"exercising is good. it keeps u fit. it keeps u radiant. it just works wonders for fat bodies"
my mum and dad kept complaining "why dun u get ur butt off that chair and go run. u have fat thighs, calves, flabby arms... so fattt" so i did and it felt so good. i ran a whopping 4km. a lot for me laaa cos i always only run 2.4 to train for napfa haha. hope i'll keep running tmr and the day after, forever and ever =)
talking about fats... fats on the face are the hardest to get rid of. and fats at the arms area. i have yet to try shiying's caffeine method haha. but my fat face is cos i'm so fat when i was a baby. heh heh
mardi, octobre 18, 2005
i was talking to annie last night.
and guess whats the first thing she said to me...
"i think u gained weight girl"
!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to be sad for a few days
lundi, octobre 17, 2005
WOW look at the food! yes.. i'm at a birthday party at some chalet at some part of pasir ris...
it's yings sis's 21st birthday!! so what are we doing there? (for the food of course :D:D)
haha actually not we're there to keep yings company lest she rots amongst a crowd of strangers.
omg la! this is my favourite picture. jialing and her crazy ideas :)
and of course there's the cake and us! it was a crazy night. we locked ourselves in a room and went crazy! its hilarioussss.. u shud see.....
dimanche, octobre 16, 2005
oooooh! mummy woke up bright and early to make bread pudding when i was still sleeping. the pudding was so small i had to fight with my father la hahah.. but he got the biggest of the big share since he woke up earlier than me! and thats how i got fat. i eat too much everyday
vendredi, octobre 14, 2005
today was the last day of sch!! and i took pictures with almost all the girls! here's lings yings me and bins! my closest friends in class :)
and not to forget... sinting! she's one gossipy girl who's very smart too! (ah! i look deformed)
and huiming, my beloved pw mate!
of course, there's becca! intellectual young lady with a bright future!
hwee! the class pet. we call her turtle cos her bag looks like a turtle shell on her small frame. see the height difference?
lastly charmaine! the class entertainer. love her songs!
and this is my lovely class! i jus wanna thank the class for giving me this wonderful experience thru these 2 years. I am really glad that some of us cried today, shows that we really care for each other. hope that we'd be as yongkai said, add more fuel to our airplanes and fly all the way to America!! yay cheers 04S67:):):):)
mercredi, octobre 12, 2005
The day started boringly with me and yings coming to school early in the morning at 7am! apparently the rest of our class was not in sch or anywhere to be seen since we have only one lesson at 1240 for the day. and bins came early too! cos she had to see ms tan early in the morning poor girl! haha. hai it's really boring and crowded in the library. hwa chong library's not like rj's library. it doesnt have three stories sadly. there're only tables and chairs.. and everyone's mugging and fighting for places to sit :( really sad... and so we decided to eat after studying for 2 hours and guess what! yings food was attacked when she was accompanying me at the yong tau foo stall!!!
This is the culprit!!!!! like &*(*(^&**&^*&%!! how dare the bird eat her food! and it caused her much misery thruout the day wondering if she will die if she happen to eat what the bird pecked. but being a nice and caring friend, i assured her that the bird wud do no harm and she'll be fine :)
the happy and skinny state we were in before we enteered the horrors of all horrors! sakae sushi. damn it man! damn a lot of pple when we got there. thought we were quite earlly alr :( but too bad for us we had to squeeze at the counter seat... :(:(:(
our food! shud have seen our gleeful faces as our empty stomachs readily accepted the food!
and we were smart enough to order our ice creams in the midst of eating so that they wun go out of stock! haha! but the ice creams werent that nice although they look nice in some way. the green tea ice cream that i ordered came with a disgustingly thickand fat layer of cream and oreos. ever heard of oreos and greentea ice cream? dun ever try. the choc tastes good though
see the reflection? OMG la! 2 obnoxious fat young ladies sitting beside me! i managed to capture her fat arms, but not her face cos too obvious la. they really eat a lot! thrash me and yings 10 times man! i think after they have eaten like everything right, one of the girls said,"i'm not even half full leh!" *faints*
as for me :(:(:( it was triple sadness. cos i wan to eat but cannot eat cos i'm very full, but on the other hand i dun wanna waste my money yet i am scared of the fats that will start growing around my stomach
yings share the same sentiments too.. but she was determined to make her money's worth. she has a strong mind u see... so as long as she thinks she's hungry she can eat some more!
food!! we're abt 12 plates thru when we really cannot make it and our skirts were about to burst but how can!!! we need to eat at least 20 over plates to make it worth!
i dunno what's that funny face for. i think the auntie sitting beside us think we're siao.
puking! puke all our food out so we can eat some more haha.
yes! we did it managed to eat ard 22 plates altogether!! so much so for boasting to everyone we could eat 20 plates each hahahahhaha. (but we still pale in comparison to the fat girls)
This are leftovers from the fat girls. when they left one waiter exclaimed, "woa how many plates ah?" it was hilarious. i think they seriously tried everything on the menu twice.
our plates.. i keep drinking green tea cos it's so delicious. i think that was the main cause of my fullness if not i'm sure i can eat 20 plates :D
oh we discovered something interesting! look at our reflections.. of course we have to bend down doubly lowwwww
and again!! okay... last picture for the day!! and we walked out of sakae 32 dollars poorer
i dunno why i'm so nice to my brother. i bought a small little round cake from swiss bakery for his birthday. LO AND BEHOLD mummy had bought cakes from secret recipe. chocolate banana cakes yummy yummy!
okay... no more eating from tmr onwards....
jeudi, octobre 06, 2005
sore throat sore throat sore throat!!! its killing me :(:(:(:(
mardi, octobre 04, 2005
today was really sucky. i screamed at my mum and she screamed back at me. and i decided that i shud be smart and let her have the last scream....
finally got back all my results! it's quite a relief though they're not really good.. but doesnt really matter i'm quite satisfied. gonna skip gp lesson tmr so i can sleep more and do more work. hope tmr will be better!
lundi, octobre 03, 2005
today is such a foodie day! i came home and was greeted with two big bowls of yong tau foo. apparently my mum's friend gave her 25 dollars worth of yong tau foo!!! that's freaking crazy! so i had to help eat..... and so i ate a few pieces and a few more pieces haha.... so i ended up eating like 7 pieces and according to my brother, one piece of yong tau foo costs 1 dollars!! well.. thats quite crazy but it's super delicious. maybe it's yong tau foo imported from america, thats why it's so ex.
then after that i had my dinner and mummy cooked nice food again. roast chicken with stewed potatoes and carrots and bread and soup and some more yong tau foo... and she baked banana chocolate cup c akes too!! omg! i jus ate them and realised how much i had eaten and not exercised today. then daddy cut fruits and i had to eat once again if not he'll complain and not cut for me next time...haha so that's how i got fat over the weekend.
off to watch apprentice! i jus realised i missed wu jian dao which has cute edison chen acting.. urgh! chem results coming out tmr. it's really really scary. it's the scariest thing ever!
dimanche, octobre 02, 2005
preparing for the wedding dinner... it was reallly great the food and ambience and everything and of course everyone looked pretty. almost all my cousins wore black dresses like mine.. those dresses that flare. haha. maybe black is in fashion now. i've always like black dresses cos they make u look so elegant. oh well.. it's back to school tmr...
my brother says my dress looks like a christmas cake =(
these cakes taste horrible! it's creamy and yucky.
mummy! dunch we look alike

at my cousin's house! see the bride!