vendredi, septembre 30, 2005

maf! my babesssss
right after one whole day of boring econs review we chionged to lings house! and decided to pig out with ice cream and chips which i'm constantly deprived of cos my mum doesnt buy chips. we watched part one of my sassy girl and talked the rest of the time. lings showed us a funny chicken video which her friend made. it's super hilarious la!!
had a super long 4 hour break today, and me, alps, lings and yings decided to go swimming! or rather tanning cos we only swam like 6 laps and gossiped the rest of the time. hehe. but i didnt become darker after swimming, which is not bad but i look pale and yellow now:( right after that we went to bt food centre to eat tang yuan. yay one of my fave food. i think alp likes it very much too:)
we had such great plans after A levels. there's prom and parties to go to. there's class holiday outing.. yada yada... i think my class going malaysia for holiday yay!! and we can go sun tanning and play at the beach if there's one or we can shop like mad and leave the guys alone. haha. bliss! wait till after the A's....
everything went well except when i was going home with grace it started pouring! the rain was so heavy jus as the bus stopped at the bus stop which was a 10 min walk away from home. and there was no bus to turn into our homes at that stop so we had to walk to another stop to take a bus. we looked like silly drenched ducks!! now everythings wet.. my bag my worksheets... yucks.
samedi, septembre 24, 2005
ohhh!! i had an amazing dinner last night. korean bbq! but it's not junky like seoul garden. it's 10 times better! although its supposed to be buffet style, there are only 4 kinds of food to choose from- chicken, pork beef and vegetables and mushroom. it was yummy nonetheless!! but one thing i didnt like about the restaurant was that we were supposed to use metal chopsticks! as in thin metal chopsticks that were so heavy and thin i cannot hold it properly. i bet everyone else had the same problem so it's not jus me =) it's metal and it's hot and it will burn your tongue when u put it into your mouth! and clumsy me, while trying to giap some kimchi to eat accidentally dropped the whole red chilli piece of vegetable on my white skirt. i almost screamed and died cos chilli stains are so hard to gett off!! stupid chopsticks!
vendredi, septembre 23, 2005
yay prelims are over! but i kinda miss studying hehe. i hope everyone dun get like 4As and i get 4Ds then i'll jus cry :(
caught two movies in two days! think if i continue watching movies i'll be broke in no time. anyway after physics paper my class went to eat at marche.oooo the mango crepe=) and we took photos with the cute cows too!!
then we bought tickets for the longest yard. we wanted to watch some no brainer show. some of us went into the theatre without even knowing wad show we were watching. that's hilarious. as for me, i only know the title is the longest yard but i dunno wad it's about.. it turned out to be super hilarious!! great way to destress=) and we all felt very happy after that.
i watched the myth yesterday. some jacky chan show but the actresses are very pretty. haha i love looking at pretty girls=) i think the myth was surprisingly good! although it's quite unrealistic but the moves and transition was pretty well done.
headed down to paragon after the show and caught a few glimpses of some fashion style show where the models walk down the runway. and i was super excited cos there were more pretty girls to come. the guy models however, looked like fake plastic models and one guy looked very fierce!! before the show started i saw some aunties, dressed in glittering clothes taking photos with i dunno wad, and i thought they were gonna be the models! luckily theyre not if not i'd puke my guts out hahaha.
reached home extremely tired.. but luckily mummy left me dinner so i didnt go hungry. after that i went to sleep.. i love life after prelims man haha!
jeudi, septembre 08, 2005
i discovered the PROnessss of tea! it's better than coffee, like 5 times better haha
i drank 4 cups of rose tea last night and suffered from insomnia!! so i couldnt wake up this morning and when i complained to my brother, he went like "tea so good meh.. even a pig cant sleep...'
vendredi, septembre 02, 2005
i have discovered today that coffee doesnt keep me awake! and this is bad.. cos i need something to keep me awake lest i doze off after reading like a few pages of my notes.
i immediately went to sleep- and slept soundly after downing a full cup of CAFE 21 with no sugar.. thinking again that the bitterness will keep me awake.. but it failed. trust my father to prevent me from drinking coffee at night. coffee has NO effect on me.. unlike the effect it has on Yings. "Makes her excited'' she says. hahhaha
Went to school the first time this week for gp prelims. i was like banking on a globalisation or war question to come out for essay but NO! there was no question on war! yucks. and although ive been dying to do a science question. i didnt. i did a media question which is usually where i fare the worst in cos media questions are so TRICKY! but anyway i was quite happy that globalisation came out for compre.. so some of my knowledge came to good use.. but i had no time to write my aq! so it's jus a mass of words that make no sense.. and the silly paper saving invigilator refuses to give us paper unless we run out of space to write. how can they deny us of paper!! we need it to draft our summary and aq wad!!!!stupid kiam sch..
prelims drawing near! exciting! i love taking papers in the hall cos it gives extra adrenaline rush hahaha...