samedi, juillet 30, 2005

This is becca and today is her birthday.. but we celebrated it on saturday for her. look at that box of godiva chocolates!! she looks happy!!. and with presents like a lime green ipod mini, i think she went crazy! cos while eating at pizza hut, the waiter keep laughing at her and she suggested not paying service charge and even offered herself as dessert to everyone! but our hopes of not paying service charge were dashed cos gordon broke the pitcher. haha!! all in all it was a great dinner with yongkai entertaining us with his funny jokes. glad that he laughed along cos he seems depressed as of lately, hope everything goes well for him! becca was nice enough to give us each one precious piece of godiva chocolates but it didnt taste heavenly or anything, it jus tasted like chocolates! and it was the bitterest chocolate i ever ate!! i could see yichuan's face contorted into some bitterish expression =) and wads funnier, he told us he thought cocoa powder was like milo powder and when he ate it.....(we all know wad it tastes like)
well, i think both becca and yichuan were happy people yesterday! happy birthday to her!

godiva chocs in that nice gold box!!
vendredi, juillet 29, 2005
my ride back home on the car was terrifying! i was happily sleeping in the front seat of the car when suddenly i heard a smash.. some guy smashed up a car's windscreen using some chopper like thing!!! and it was on the roadddd! with all the huge traffic and everything.. scary! my dad said the guy walked past his car with the chopper and he quickly drove away. (all these while i missed everything cos i was sleeping) until that smash... wow lucky he didnt chop up my dads car...
mardi, juillet 26, 2005
our prom theme is out. it's MASQUERADE. held at ritz carlton!! cant wait till then..
watched the island with lings, bins and mon. half of the cinema was filled with hwachong people since today was half day and we wanted to shout hwachong kebahbah.. but resisted.ohohoh!! all those who haven watch please go watch!! Scarlett Johansson is damn HOT. anyway although the movie is called the island, there is no actual island. it's an imaginary island. ah wadever... go watch and find out.. i hope i haven spoilt it..
Sinting is so nice! she didnt forget us when she went PERTH and came back with a beeg bag of nougats- assorted flavours. the nougats were yummy.. i think i ate 5-apricot, cappucino, almond,greentea, natural hahaha. she kept asking me to take more since i sat beside her so i think i took and ate the most!! but they are really yummy....
dimanche, juillet 24, 2005
i was eating horfun this afternoon and i suddenly thought 'gelatinization of starch'.. i think i became smarter!!
2 more hours to THE APPRENTICE. it's my second favourite show. my favourite is LOST. cant wait. oh i hope the street smarts win again =)
vendredi, juillet 22, 2005
a few other people and i decided to skip pe to watch the canoe finals. we were pretty excited cos we've never watched any canoeing competition before. it was rather exhilarating when it came to the last 50m. and hwachong did well.. i think they clinched overall second. yay! three cheers for them! but time didnt permit us to watch everything so we only managed to catch a few events before we headed back for maths lesson- late. i think ms hia was irritated with us cos she didnt acknowledge us when we walked in...
at the end of the day, cos yichuan didnt come to sch, becca decided to play a prank on him. a few classmates called him worriedly saying that becca fell and her head and legs and arms are bleeding. it was quite a lame scenario cos i can never imagine how someone can fall and bleed everywhere. oh and he was told to go to changi hospital to see her. i think i almost died laughing.. luckily i didnt talk to him or else i'll give the prank away. what funny classmates i have! but it's all to make our day more interesting...
jeudi, juillet 21, 2005
my class was so enthusiastic today. all the girls wore sari to mark the start of racial harmony day. we even skipped 40 min of econs lec jus to wear our saris! but there was attendance taking! so we had to go for econs lec in the end. we teetered our way there in our awfully long and tight saris and tried to sneak in thru the back door and sat at the back row. but it was no use. Siva saw us and made us sit in front. i was quite surprised he didnt make a fuss abt us being late and everything. maybe cos we are all indians samasama... hehehe.. we must all be harmonious.
he even asked me whether i was cold in the sari when i was going out of the lecture theatre. think he's in a good mood.
oh anyway it was quite sad that i din see many pple in ethnic costumes. and there was no one in a kimono! i think hwa chong pple only know how to wear saris cos thats wad most pple wore..
we even decided to change our appetite for the day and eat roti prata!! although i never liked roti prata.. i gobbled down a plain one. yay.. three cheers for me!
Spent my next afternoon in town with Shiying. She's DAMN funnyyyyy!!! told me lotsa jokes and i almost died laughing. we walked around and ate at Marche then eat ice cream after that. hehe i love her to bits cos she's funny and has a great appetite!! =)=)
oh no i think my gp is damn lousy. can anyone tell me how to improve gp??? cos my gp really sucks! i dun have the skill to answer stupid compre questions and aq. luckily shiying felt the same way tooo.. we both think gp is irritating.. but we still aim to get A1 for A levels. i dunno how i'm going to do that....

haha pretty shiying and me at marche...

me and becca!

me yings lings mon bins! us!

our prata meal!

we love indians! hehe

another shot..

ang libin hiding beneath her sari!

after changing...
mercredi, juillet 20, 2005
CT today was rather exciting and fun. we were educated on the importance of racial harmony and presentations on malay and indian culture were made. besides that, we were also entertained by a short sequence of the movie Hotel Rwanda and some bollywood dance. After CT there was even a mini fair set up to sell food! and ondeh ondeh caught my eye. it's some coconuty green kueh..which i like to eat. but guess wad. jus as i took the first bite, the brown sugary sauce inside squirted out like a spray and sprayed my skirt and my hands and my wallet. i didnt know how powerful that bite was. yucks.. and i had to leave sch with a wet skirt and a wet wallet. by the way the ondeh ondeh tasted horrible. it was kinda rubbery..
i went home and still felt hungry but luckily mum and dad came back from balestier road and they bought my favourite taosahpia. my dad loves them toooo.. how nice...
mardi, juillet 19, 2005
today ended so early!! we were let off at 1240 cos ms Hia didnt come! yay! read "tuesdays with Morrie" during maths lec. i didnt really find it very interesting despite many comments from my friends that that book is GREAT, even Mr Koh commented that it's a good book. but i guess there are some life lessons to be learnt from it like maybe love and death? i'm halfway thru.. hope to finish it soon!
oh i realised that i haven answered libin's question. She asked me wads that difference between ri pants and rj pants. haha! i tried to find out more from my brother and he kept insisting there was no difference cos both are white and have a tiny 'raffles' at the back of the pants. the slightest difference wud be the rj pants have pleats somewhere in front. yep i guess that is all...
ahh my tv is somewhat spoilt!!! i can still watch it but the image sort of expanded and some of the subtitles are cut off! the actresses appear fat on the tv too.. quite funny cos they are really really fat on my tv. hope my tv gets repaired soon!
dimanche, juillet 17, 2005
today is sunday. which means tmr is monday. which means there's sch tmr.. how yucky. going to school is a waste of time! i think i can study better at home, actually not, think i'll jus sleep my day away. daddy says i shud only sleep 6 hours during the weekends so i can study for 12 hours go gym for 3 hours and eat for 3 hours. there's no logic to that. wad about my tv time, my slacking time, my chatting time, my fighting-with-brother time..and my computer time. he didnt consider all those. he says i shud remove my bed and sleep on hard wood. that's worse cos it'll be a waste of money and i'll get backaches and i'll sleep more... he's jus being illogical
anyway i'm not going to listen to him. i'm eating durians again and some mangosteens too.. there's something weird about my brother. he doesnt like to eat all these fruit even though we always leave the best for him. so he's staring in disgust now as i savour my durian =) weird brother! oh my mum made cheesecake. it's the best cheesecake ever! sorry jlmy(jialing, libin, monica, yingying) i finished all so i cant bring to sch tmr. haha. but nvm i'll be the only one who gets fat!!!
samedi, juillet 16, 2005

The Useless Quiz
brought to you by
vendredi, juillet 15, 2005
the weekends are here! it's scary to know how fast the weeks are passing. i'm scared like shit, seriously. ah i have a throbbing headache!!! it all started after pe. and it's still throbbing like mad now. i feel like sleeping but there's still work to be done.. how sucky =( i ate one whole durian after dinner hoping it wud make my headache better but it didnt work. and there are still 9 more durians in that red plastic bag..hehe i think i could have finished a few more... my dad bought all 10 durians for one dollar!!! that's cheaper than any other fruit!! yummy durians...
i was all alone after sch today. everyone went home straight after sch!!! there was no one else to sit and talk with me at classbench! i had never experienced this before. suddenly i felt very lonely.. i tried to look for other frens but there was NO ONE!! only stupid soccer players gathered ard laughing and scolding vulgarities. one rj guy suddenly popped out of nowhere and joined them and started scolding vulgarities as though he was saying hello. he was scolding them at the rate of 1 per 10 seconds. i was pretty amused at their conversation though.. din noe guys could be so interesting. hahaha
monday's photo taking and it's gonna be in the hall! eeeks. i hope i will appear ok in the photo. i dun wan to have my eyes closed =)
jeudi, juillet 14, 2005
oh man! it's been 3 hours since i last ate and i'm feeling hungry now. today is a happy day cos my class went out for lunch together. jus felt we hadnt done that in a long time and i'm glad to go out with them! i think the guys wanted to go orchard at first which is quite surprising cos normally they will settle for any economical vegetable rice in sch or near sch. in the end, we decided to settle for somewhere near... so we went to johnson duck.
but poor me! (literally poor) had only 70cents left for that day's expenses. i dunno how come i spend money so fast! i think cos weihao robbed me of 10 dollars today for classfund. yongkai and mingze, knowing my plight, told me i could buy 7 fishballs or nutritious eggs for my lunch.. i was actually thinking of macdonald's icecream... hmm..i dunno why they suggested that cos those food needed to be cooked! maybe cos of food chem lect. the teacher was showing us some yellow eggy emulsion. yucks. so while everyone happily ordered their ducky meal which amounted to around 5 bucks, i dragged libin away to look for 70cents food. Lo and behold! i found a BAO store. Bao is one of my favourite food. it's a great snack! and there are many different flavours. i think i'm a bit suaku but i've never heard of sweetcorn bao.. and so i bought it! it's so hot and nice and sweet and tasty.libin bought a yummy eggtart.
Shiying!! sorry for not going out with you today.. but i'm really moody and feeling sucky now. thanks for listening to me!! go out next week k? and eat ice cream with me =)
ok i'm going to eat my dinner..
lundi, juillet 11, 2005
today was such a long day. had a loooong string of lessons in sch! and 3 breaks to eat! cant imagine the amount of food i'm eating now.. i think ican eat non stop! jus ate a piece of toblerone =)=) ah how sinful but it's so nice.. i think i prefer that to kit kat now!!
during break, libin suddenly commented on how thin a girl was.. then yingying said " not pretty thin also no use" haha and all of us sort of agreed subtlely.. ya i guess it's true to a certain extent. dunno wads the obsession with thinness.. do you really look good when u're thin?? ah i dun noe....
Sinting is such a crapper! she's such a nice person to go home with. thanks for entertaining me on the boring bus trips=) she told me a lot of corny jokes funny!!! it all started with one stupid joke of mine. oh and she bought one scout ticket from me, saving me from my desperation of trying to sell all the scout tics. yay! hope she wins the lucky draw!
ohhh Jackson gave me my very very belated birthday gift today! it came in a mysterious black pouch.. at first i thought it wud be some necklace or chain of some sort but to my surprise i pulled out a pair of sunglasses. wad's more, it's in a shade of red!!! ahh so nice =) thanks a lot! haha i showed it off to sinting on the bus. lol..
jeudi, juillet 07, 2005
after almost 4 gruelling hours of chem lesson, yings and i went to little india to try out something called 'threading'. the process looked painful.. luckily i din try it. after that we walked around to search for some nice food. but unfortunately we couldnt find any.... and had to settle for this small eatery called blue diamond. we looked thru the menu and found this thosai thing which sounds quite interesting but didnt know wad it was. the only indian food i know is probably roti prata. so we asked the indian man. he looked shocked! and apparently cant describe it to us properly. Who will know wad thosai is! decided to try it anyway... it came and we realised we had eaten it before but didnt know it was called thosai. it's some triangular big pancake thing with potatoes wrapped in it, complete with three different kinds of sauces.. quite yummy! go try THOSAI!
yings.. tell me moreeeee more MORE!
mardi, juillet 05, 2005

cutest guy of the week!
Name: Kevin P.
Spotted: Man hunt- the search for America's most gorgeous male model
this guy is an embedded model in manhunt.. wad a shock. but that's good he wun get eliminated.

hottest girl of the week!
name: eva longoria
Spotted: desperate housewives
Apparently she's Tony Parker's girlfriend. loved her role in desperate housewives as Gabrielle Solis.
Stunning face, figure and glossy hair! =)

04S67! in jack's place..

outside jack's place.. waiting...

aha. look at this funky retroey sunglasses! i wan to buy some dark red rimmed one something that looks like that but more squarish and darker. =D was inspired by jialing who wore some white retro specs today. there were a few more pple one the streets who wore them too.. seems like a fahion is starting- Wearing large thick sunglasses...
there was class outing today and as usual i waited again. wad a waste of my time. but i already went late thinking i dun need to wait anymore. and they eventually decided to eat at jack's place and in order to grab the students offer we had to wait till 130.. so more waiting and waiting.... was supposed to play badminton with my dad and bro this morning but there was CLASS OUTING. i shud have jus gone with them and went late then i wun be feeling guilty about eating so much at jack's place =) celebrated charm's and wuqiong's bday too... happy bday to them!
So wad else can we do besides watching movie during a class outing? yet again i splurged on another movie. but i was excited about watching it and had decided that i shud watch it even before block test. i dunno wads wrong with me but it was superbly cold in the theatre- a feeling i dun usually get.. and i felt sleepy, maybe cos i was full. urgh but i strived to not waste my money and stayed awake. luckily "war of the worlds" is thrilling enough but i dun really like the plot though.. and that "screaming machine".... all so unrealistically unreal.
samedi, juillet 02, 2005

us with the orphans at the orphanage!

my group on the last day. look at the nice scenery!

the water conditions...

white water rafting!!
hahah.. had a good laugh just now watching the russell peters video. he's simply so funny, though very racist at times. hehe. "Chinese and indians jus cant do business together"hmm...
"mix a french and greek. you get little freaks! mix someone from iceland and cuba. you get little ice cubes.."hahaha
i was freaking pissed off by this china girl this afternoon after shopping at bugis. As i was walking along this street near bugis, rushing for time, this woman approached me.. one of those silly salesgirls promoting her skincare products. So this woman started speaking to me in rapid chinese about her miracle skincare product and she shoved this stupid brochure into my hands. then she kept telling me that she's giving out this free sample for me to try out. so i was thinking, hurry up! if u wanna give me something jus give! and stop irritating me. and while all this was taking place i was still speeding across the street, with her throttling along cos apparently her legs are too short to keep up with mine. so in order to shirk her off, i jus kept shaking my head and telling her "no i dun wan anything." but she ignored my desperate pleas....
poor me. it was in her desperation and perhaps irritation that she asked me to stop and listen to her. i was in no mood and i had no time. wads more i cant really catch her strong china accent. then i decided to run away... hehe.. she made a LOUD tsk at me. wad's her problem! i din offend her! i merely rejected her miracle skincare product. if it was really good.. she wouldnt be looking like she did this afternoon...
to all those pple who haven caught initial D or are deciding to watch some movie. go catch it now!