mercredi, juin 29, 2005
i hate vectors.. you know.. as in math vectors. Why do we even need to learn about vectors! i nearly puked my guts out when i tried to study vectors jus now.. now it's over at least i understand a bit. i dun even know how i did vectors last time... now my mind is so vectorishical.. vectors vectors vectors vectors...
lundi, juin 20, 2005
I realise that one gets hungry in the wee hours of the morning like 1am.
At least i do. issit normal??? cos i'm damn hungry now!
I realised that i've been eating a lot lately. issit cos studying kills brain cells and feeding yourself somehow manages to grow the brain cells back? or maybe my stomach jus expanded.
hahaha.. beats me....
gonna go back to the booksss
jeudi, juin 16, 2005
today is my birthday. ok DUHHHHHH. i'm eighteen today but there aint any M18 movies to watch. today is my birthday and i still have to study. yucks that sucks.
watched mr and mrs smith today. fabulous movie. dunno why pple think the plot sucks. must be out of their mind. i think the plot totally rocks. angelina jolie rocks more and brad pitt the champ! lol. oh least i din waste my money.
i think food is my life. have been eating so much these few days. ate at nydc today. some mushroom hammy baked pasta.. yummy and tiramisu mud pieee. yay!!!
wadever.. all this enjoyment is ending.. my bday jus ended...=(
mardi, juin 14, 2005
dinner was great! thanks mum and dad for paying for such an expensive dinner... it was to celebrate my bday! i'm eighteen! rocks... i feel so full now my stomach can totally burst. We ate at this garden hotel place..near balmoral- quite a small and comfy place. They had this MEGA buffet going on, or so they call it, but indeed it is MEGA. There was a fusion of east and west cuisine and a huge array of dessert. let me list out the food. There's sashimi, tempura, oysters, mussels, roast beef, pasta, pizza, chickenrice, laksa, smoked salmon, prawns, lagsana, softshellcrab, lamb shank, and many many more! i think i ate all of those.. and wad i ate was only half of the variety they had at that buffet...full full full full.
One of the best dinners i had so far and i'm glad it's on the eve of my bday. I'm gonna turn 18 in 4 hrs time! wish how many pple wud wish me this year. hahaaa...

see the mega buffet word?? nice deco..

close up shot. we're too bored!!

my mum and I waiting to feast at the hotel. haha.

lol. my brother.. shhh.. he doesnt know i post it here. hahaha
dimanche, juin 12, 2005

susanti and me on the train.. our boring journey starts.

hmm.. this is better. at least our three faces are captured
samedi, juin 11, 2005

heh heh.. seems like we're not too pro at taking pics...

me and yings.. pissified.. but pretending to be happy. lol. "where is our food????"

at marina.. waiting with our hungry stomachs...humph..
jeudi, juin 09, 2005
Finally back from the tiring perak trip. i actually thought it was quite a waste of money cos effectively we only had activities two days, the last day was a major screw up-waste of time.
Upon reaching perak, we were welcomed with delicious prata and tasty teh tarik at the town area. din expect such food.. thought we wud be nibbling on stale bread. Then we were driven up to our accomodation, an orphanage. The toilets were in bad shape- i dunno how to describe it also. it smelt like puke and shit mixed i think that deterred many pple from visiting the washroom..
On the first day, we had to set off for a trek right up to the mountains. There were so many things to carry we had to stuff everything till our bags looked bloated and ready to burst any time. It was a long 10km upslope.. and we trudged slowly along. The terrain was rather uneven and slippery and i almost suffered a heart attack everytime i slipped. The scariest part was the two bridges in which we had to walk across. The bridge was made up of broken wooden planks ready to collapse any time. and there was this part where the railings dropped into the river and left us to teeter across a cylindrical pipe. how are u supposed to walk on a round surface!! wads more- there was a gushing river on both the right and left side. traumatising!!! but luckily everyone managed to conquer the bridge although a few fell but managed to get up. everyone agreed that was the scariest part of the trek. Finally we reached our destination but to our horror, there was no clearing for us to pitch our tents. The place was filled with wild and poky grass-eeks. after exploring the area, the instructors found a clearing for us where we rested for the night under mosquito infested conditions and ate pasta... hehe.. really appreciate pastamania now=).
the next morning i almost couldnt get up. the mere thought of the boring trek back down jus puts me off. but still, our group ran and tumbled down the mountain- reaching the start faster than we thought. yay!
day two was the most exciting day! the first activity was caving.. we were brought to this cave where this sarcastic middle aged man introduced us to some crap animal shapes on the limestones. that was totally boring but the later part was a little more interesting. we crawled through the narrow and small caves and got totally wet and cold..
white water rafting was the most challenging. we were rushing down the rapids-thrilling! but i thought it was quite dangerous too.. cos if u fall off the wrong position and hit the rocks it could be rather scary. luckily i din fall off the raft. i love white water rafting!
i guess that's abt all the highlights of the trip.. too tired to write anymore. will post pictures of the trip in two weeks time!
dimanche, juin 05, 2005
i'm jus sitting in front of my com waiting to leave for perak tonight.. so exciting.. i hope i dun get any blacker. Training camp has drained me of my energy and left me with a thousand and one bruises and rashes. it was a failure i know... but it was not entirely the campers fault or our fault. jus dunno how it turned out that way. wanted the juniors to enjoy themselves but unfortunately i dun think they did. hope everything turns well.. i'm out of ventures...
hehe.. 10 days more to my bday! yay.. awaiting that day...

this was the completion of our structure!

campfire backdrop..

look at the cake!
hmm.. weihao said his camera lens cracked after taking the four of us.. lol.. wad a joke